Welcome to The Balkans Globe

For many travelers, The Balkans are a new and unexplored destination. But more than a hundred years ago, the first tourists traveled here, which at the time was mostly under the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The place where we are located, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is today connected to all European centers by air, and with thoroughfares in and out of Croatia. The scenic road from Sarajevo to Mostar through the wild and beautiful canyon of the Neretva River is a breathtaking ride. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a melting pot of many different cultures, a bridge between East and West. The traveler’s experience spans from remains of Neolithic and Roman times to the reign of the Bosnian Kings; from the Ottoman Period, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Yugoslavian era with Marshal Tito as its leader.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a paradise for nature lovers with soaring mountains, untouched forests and wild rivers inviting you to come for rafting and canoeing or taking long walks. The Olympic ski tracks offer the opportunity to enjoy the snow with affordable prices. Perhaps the greatest asset is the wonderful hospitality of Bosnian people, along with the traditional Bosnian coffee and cakes, the irresistible ćevapi (grilled minced-meat fingers), traditional wines and lively urban promenades and small cozy places.

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